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Zeta Theta Mu

Greek mythology depicts the siren as half-bird half-woman and is found around the shores to lure sailors to their deaths.
In European cultures, mermaids had come to percolate, and were also a hazard to sailors for their seductive voices. Likewise,
when Europe adapted Greek mythology (and possibly to distinguish them from the similar-avian harpy),
the siren – which was already considered aquatic – was combined with the fishlike mermaid to better liken it as a sea creature.
Sirens are mermaids who are able to lure sailors towards rocky shores with their beauty and hypnotic singing. The sailor sees the undeniable beauty of the mermaid reflecting from the oceans light and is mesmerized by her. When she opens her mouth and sings her siren song, she brings him closer and finally into her clutches. Her beauty fades and then she shows her true self right before dragging him to his watery demise.
All in short, our Mermaid is Beyonce’ and our Siren is Sasha Fierce!
ZETA THETA MU MERMAID / SIREN, est. July 1, 2018

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